You decide to scream and do so at the top of your lungs. Steve comes running in to find out what’s wrong and sees the horrible sight that you discovered. Jesse is close behind.

Jesse leans down over the body and checks his pulse. "He’s dead," he says with a shake of his head.

Steve leans down over the body, his detective mode taking over, and asks, "Can you tell what killed him?"

Jesse looks over the body and sees no markings telling how he might have died. "Amanda will have to take a look," he says.

Steve points to the Bar BQ sandwich near his hand. "What’s the sandwich?"

"Looks like Bar BQ beef," Jesse says. "You think he poisoned himself with his own food?"

Steve looks at Jesse like he’s crazy then stands and goes to your side. "Are you OK?" he asks.

You nod. "I did not do this," you say.

Steve smiles. "I know. It was probably just a heart attack or something."

"Maybe," Jesse says. "But it looks like he had a struggle or fight or something." He shows Steve the man’s arm and the bruises that he found there.

You follow Steve to the man’s side. Steve studies the bruises very carefully. "Maybe you’re right," Steve says. "I’m going to call Amanda just in case. I’ll have her check thoroughly for anything suspicious."

Amanda, Steve, Jesse and Steve’s father, Mark, are sitting at one of the back tables at BBQ Bob’s discussing the case. You aren’t busy so you go over to listen.

"He had a reaction to the digitalis he took for a heart condition," Amanda is saying. "But I’m looking for other possible causes. I did a complete tox screen. The results should be in this afternoon."

"What about the bruises on his arm?" Jesse asks.

"You were right, it did look like a struggle," she says. "I found skin under his nails."

You look at Amanda. "You mean he might have been murdered?" you ask.

"It looks like he was," Amanda says.

You stand dumbfounded wondering whether you should ask more questions or go back into the kitchen and forget the whole thing ever happened.

If you decide to ask questions, click here.
If you decide to go back into the kitchen, click here.